What is monster match?
MonsterMatch simulates a dating app and shows you how dating apps really work.
Monster match: for people who don't use dating apps
“I’ve never used a dating app, and I never want to.” “I use dating apps all the time.” Do either of these describe you?
It may surprise you, but even if you don’t ever use a dating app, the way they work still affects your life in huge ways. And if you use them all the time, there’s still lots you don’t know about them.
MonsterMatch is a chance to see a dating app without actually using one. You might have a partner, or you might not be looking for one. MonsterMatch is dating with fake monsters, not people, so you have nothing to worry about—using a fake app with fake profiles doesn’t say anything about you, other than you’re a smart and curious person who likes to learn more about technology.
But even if you use dating apps a lot, it’s impossible to use them enough to learn how they work for everyone. Some apps have millions of users every day. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and has different dating preferences. Your experience can be true, but it isn’t going to be representative, nearly ever, of the experience of the average user in the app.
MonsterMatch tries to scale down the sheer size of dating apps so that they’re easier to understand. Instead of millions of users, there’s just you, a real human being, and 100 imaginary monster profiles. As you swipe right (to like) and left (to dislike) profiles, we’ll show you how the next profile you’ll see is affected. You’ll get to know exactly what profiles you get—and miss out on—over the course of a few dozen swipes. All without actually having to go on any dates, talk to people, or put yourself out there.
Benjamin Berman
Miguel Perez
Written By
Alexander Berman
Camille Stochitch
Nolan Fabricius
Alberto Garcia
Alisa Jahary
Jonathan Dodd
Sasa Jovanovic
Hans Ulrich
Kare Ekis
Luis Den
Kerrigan Lake
Milos Orlovic
Alice Gong
Original Music by
Gabe Donnay
Ted Taforo
Mozilla Foundation
Jenn Beard
Brett Gaylor
Kevin Zawacki
Testing and feedback
Eva Gillis-Buck
Elena Barengolts
Mikhail Berman
Andrew Cedotal
Emilia Walker
Spellsource Community
Harmony Labs
Paul Johnson
Mary Joyce
Mozilla Creative Media Awardees
Ingrid Burrington
Roel Wouters
Gabor Csapo
Jihyun Kim
Alia ElKattan
Suchana Seth
Brendan Byrne
Joe Hall
Noah Levenson
release notes
version 1.0.2 - current release
supported platforms
- iOS
- Safari 10 or later. (iOS versions 10.0 or later)
- Minimum: iPhone SE or iPhone 6.
- Recommended: iPhone X (2017) or iPhone 7 Plus.
- Android
- Chrome 44 or later (Android versions 6.0.1 or later).
- Minimum: Snapdragon 625, 800 or similar (2013 flagship vintage)
- Recommended: Snapdragon 653, 810 or similar (2015 flagship vintage)
- Mac/PC
- Firefox ESR 45 or later.
- Safari 12.1 or later
- Chrome 44 or later
known issues
- Order changes in the profile creator should apply to the preview image in the profile text and name editor screen.
- The skip button in the character creator screen should prompt the user to choose between two fixed image options.
issues that will not be fixed next release
- Loading on Android devices with Chrome 65 or earlier will not be improved.
- Toggling the mute rocker on iOS devices will not mute the audio.
- The mute button on mobile devices will not be hidden.
- Performance on Android devices of 2016 or earlier vintage will not be improved.
- Defocusing the page on Android devices will not always mute the audio.
- In some situations, iOS audio will stutter.
- Devices with a responsive viewport height less than 420px will not show all the content in the game.
- Devices with a responsive viewport height less than 588px will not show a pixel-perfect character creator nor will they show the entire profile image in the profile swiping view.
- Refreshing the page will not save your progress in swiping and chat.
- iOS
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